
PaCodeisacodeusedinPaGamO.Youwillwinpaidcontentsorgamepropsonceyouuseit.(i.e.PaCodefor30dayPremiumGoWinorgameprop--watergun.),PaCodeisacodeusedinPaGamO.Youwillwinpaidcontentsorgamepropsonceyouuseit.(i.e.PaCodefor30dayPremiumGoWinorgameprop--watergun.),Whatisaclasscode?Afteryouhavecreatedaclass,PaGamOwillgenerateaclasscodethatidentifiesthisparticularclass.Inorderforyourstudentsto ...,Enterclass...

Course Code & Pacode

PaCode is a code used in PaGamO. You will win paid contents or game props once you use it. (i.e. PaCode for 30 day Premium Go Win or game prop -- water gun.)

Course Code & Pacode

PaCode is a code used in PaGamO. You will win paid contents or game props once you use it. (i.e. PaCode for 30 day Premium Go Win or game prop -- water gun.)

Teaching Console - Help Center-PaGamO

What is a class code? After you have created a class, PaGamO will generate a class code that identifies this particular class. In order for your students to ...


Enter class code in My Classes→ My Classes on the upper Game Map to ...; +886-2-2358-2553. Hotline Open Hours: Mon.- Fri. 10:00 - 12:00 ...


QR code ios QR code android. We have 3,000,000+ players. The Best Online Gaming Platform for Education. PaGamO ... Contact Us.; +886-2-2358-2553.


QR code ios QR code android. We have 3,000,000+ players. The Best Online Gaming Platform for Education. PaGamO ... Contact Us.; +886-2-2358-2553.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
